Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Hi! I'm Robert, an Asian-American (from Augusta, Georgia) linguist living and working in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Welcome to my blog! (I thought I would never in my life start a blog... but here I am... Who knows what happened....) I know my blog has a cheesy name, but here's the explanation. 'Knitting' is obvious because, well, this will be a blog mainly about knitting. 'Pearl', however, is a little more involved. One, it is an obvious pun on the purl stitch (didn't you find it punny?). Two, it sort of represents the Asian part of my ancestry. And three, I hope that this blog will prove to be a very useful knitting resource, a pearl if you will, for those knitters who want to become a little more globally aware. As a linguist, I'm very fascinated by language. As a knitter/crocheter, I'm very interested in knitting/crocheting. Put the two together, and you have a knitting/crocheting linguist who wants to know knitting/crochet terminology in as many languages possible! I know, I know... You say there are already a bunch of those already available... But I must say, I haven't been too happy with those... Some terms do not translate well into a given language and require a little more explanation. And those sites almost never specify whether the word in the other language corresponds to a verb or noun, let alone how to conjugate or decline the words! ;-) (I know what you're thinking... What a geek!) Additionally, I'll try to throw in useful phrases in case you happen to find yourself in a foreign country trying to ask for the beautiful green bamboo yarn just behind the counter! And of course general updates on projects I am working on and knitting/crochet techniques I am trying learn/do. Anyway, thanks for visiting and come back later to see how this all develops!


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